Our first goal:

NAB’s first goal is to implement successful business for its customers by achieving the desired goal of design or advertising. It establishes a mental image for the consumer or recipient of the market position of the product and what distinguishes it from other competing products or services.

But if the goal of the advertisement is non-profit, then the goal is to achieve spread at the lowest possible cost so that the advertisement reaches the target audience professionally.

Logo design:

What is said about advertising applies to logo design. The successful logo must be firmly established in the recipient’s mind and be a positive mental image of the service, institution, product or effectiveness. To do this, NAB works on designing logos in an innovative and simple way that is able to meet the desires and needs of the customer and help his organization succeed. The logo is The design that remains with the institution or company throughout the period of its activity and is difficult, expensive and unprofessional to be changed in the future after the consumer has preserved and gained confidence with him.

websites :

As for websites, the first thing that NAB cares about is balancing new trends between user experiences (UX) on the one hand, and beauty of design (UI) on the other:

– Our knowledge of user experiences is what helps us to produce designs that help the user to browse websites easily and easily and to read smoothly without any difficulties and to reach information quickly sometimes if the goal is commercial. Either the difficulty of accessing the information is only for the sake of imposing more offers or gaining additional points from staying The site’s consumer thus improves the site’s visibility on Google with free results.

– The beauty of the design interface is everything related to the design rules of colors, proportions, direction of eye movement, selection of images, etc., which makes the process of browsing the site an interesting and visually enjoyable process for the visitor.

Our second goal:

Finally, the goal of NAB in the second place is to achieve the satisfaction of its customers after making them aware of the importance of advertising and what it brings them, how to measure the success of advertising and what is the most successful way for them.

M. Muhammad Al-Bari / Technical Director of NAB Company.